Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Speech and Debate

      Yesterday was the speech and debate competition. "My group's topic was Did the World Cup benefit Brazil as a nation?" My group was beneficial and I honestly wouldn't have changed it in the world. Even though my group wasn't very prepared, I think we still put in as much effort as we could. I thought that we really was gonna win though, however we lost. Even if we didn't win, to me my team are always winners.


                 This blog is going to be dedicated to the zombie movie that is going to be made by our very own film club. They wrote and starred in their own zombie movie. It is going to be amazing. So as hype up for the upcoming film, I've decided to write about my inquires that I have about this upcoming film.
                Being that I am huge obsessed fan of The Walking Dead, I would absolutely love some really good effects. If the zombie does not look like this:
We are going to have a problem. The make-up that needs to be done to achieve this is very extensive, but if you're going to make a zombie film, you need to put in the extra work. 

                 I've watched many zombie movies in my lifetime. Movies ranging from Resident Evil to Dawn of the Dead. I don't know if all people in horror movies are just plain stupid or their's something in the water, but they never actually do the right thing. They wait until it reaches them to run away or they just stand there screaming instead running. I don't understand. 
               I just hope that if the movie isn't scary, than at least it's funny.

Monday, July 28, 2014

The No Baked Cheesecake

Our No Bake Cheesecake!!!!


2 Pre - Made Graham Cookie Crust
2 tubs of Cream Cheese
1 pint of Heavy cream
2 of 11.3 oz Oreo Cookies [one crushed and one to eat during the process :)]

Step 1. Start whipping the heavy cream. This is the most crucial and important part of the cheesecake. You have to keep whipping the heavy cream until it becomes very thick.

Step 2. You want to make the cream cheese soft so you should soften the cream cheese, by melting it more to the point that you can easily mix it with the heavy cream. In our situation, we softened it using the microwave for a minute.

Step 3. When the cream cheese is done, fold it into the hevy cream until it's completely mixed together.

Step 4. Mix the crumpled cookie pieces into the batter. Make sure that the cookie pieces are mixed completely.

Step 5. Now you can take the cookie-filled batter and put into the pre-made crust.

Step 6. After everything is done, put the pre-made cheesecake into the fridge for a couple of hours or until the mixture is firm.

Step 7. After the cheesecake is done, cut into it and enjoy!!!!

The Aftermath:

                   After making our cheesecake, many people in our program wanted to try it. When they did try it many people thought that it tasted disgusting. In my opinion, I thought that the cheesecake wasn't that bad. I actually liked it. If you like cream cheese to the point that you'll eat it by itself, than you'll like it.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Welcome to My Blog!!!!! \(^ω^\)


          Hi, my name is Vivica. I'm currently a rising junior in high school. I absolutely love music. I'm that girl whose into all those different boy bands and who talks about them on her free time. I love all types of music. I also happen to live in the NYC!!! I really like living here. I'm such a city gal as you can tell. I hate the woods or any places that a tick can be hiding. I like to consider myself a hard worker. I get decent grades in school. I try my hardest to never give up. I also really love television shows and movies. I've pretty watched like every movie and almost every show. I love shows like The Vampire Diaries and Bates Motel. My dream is to become a journalist or a lawyer. Writing is my passion. I just hope that you'll just have an adventure with me as I go through life living in the NYC.