Tuesday, July 29, 2014


                 This blog is going to be dedicated to the zombie movie that is going to be made by our very own film club. They wrote and starred in their own zombie movie. It is going to be amazing. So as hype up for the upcoming film, I've decided to write about my inquires that I have about this upcoming film.
                Being that I am huge obsessed fan of The Walking Dead, I would absolutely love some really good effects. If the zombie does not look like this:
We are going to have a problem. The make-up that needs to be done to achieve this is very extensive, but if you're going to make a zombie film, you need to put in the extra work. 

                 I've watched many zombie movies in my lifetime. Movies ranging from Resident Evil to Dawn of the Dead. I don't know if all people in horror movies are just plain stupid or their's something in the water, but they never actually do the right thing. They wait until it reaches them to run away or they just stand there screaming instead running. I don't understand. 
               I just hope that if the movie isn't scary, than at least it's funny.

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